Pregnancy calculator
Pregnancy is the process of bearing a fetus, which takes 38-40 weeks. During this time, a fertilized egg, feeding on the mother's body, develops into an embryo, and then into a newborn, which at the time of birth weighs an average of 3–3.8 kilograms.
Weekly pregnancy calendar
The beginning of pregnancy is considered to be not the moment of fertilization, but the cessation of menstruation, or the so-called "delay". It continues until the birth itself, and for several months after them. During the first 7-28 days after conception, an embryo is formed from a fertilized egg, the size of which does not exceed 2-4 millimeters. Further stages can be painted by weeks:
- 5–8 weeks. The embryo grows rapidly and gains mass, forming about a million new cells every minute. At the eighth week of pregnancy, it reaches one and a half to two centimeters, and can be observed using ultrasound (ultrasound). At this stage, the formation of neural pathways in the child's brain begins.
- 9–12 weeks. From this point on, the embryo is usually called a fetus, and it already has all the characteristic features of a small person: arms, legs, fingers, mouth, nose, eyes, ears, etc. e. As a rule, after the 10-11th week, the mother's health improves, energy deficiency (chronic fatigue) and toxicosis disappear.
- 13-16 weeks. The fourteenth week is the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, when the muscular system begins to actively form in the fetus. He can move his limbs and facial muscles. The size of the fetus at this stage reaches 16 centimeters.
- 17-20 weeks. Due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the baby's skin no longer looks transparent, and the development of the musculoskeletal system reduces the disproportion between a small body and a large head. By the 20th week, the fetal motor skills are sufficiently developed so that he can put his finger in his mouth and make other complex movements.
- 21–24 weeks. The central nervous system is actively developing, and the fetus becomes sensitive to new stimuli. The brain “learns” to receive and process information coming from receptors. By the 24th week, the weight of the baby reaches 500 grams, and the length is 25 centimeters.
- 25-28 weeks. During this period, the most intensive growth of the fetus is observed, and by the 30th week its weight can already reach one and a half kilograms. The half-open eyelids begin to close after the end of the formation of the retina, and the child begins to distinguish sounds and respond to them.
- 29-32 weeks. The last - third trimester of pregnancy comes, at the beginning of which the baby begins to show more physical activity. His lungs and bronchi are developing, which may be accompanied by a hiccup reflex and contraction of the respiratory muscles. By the 32nd week, the length of the fetus can reach 40 centimeters, and weight - 2 kilograms.
- 33-36 weeks. Baby's weight increases by about 200 grams every week, and already reaches 2.5-2.8 kilograms. The baby's face is rounded, and the sucking reflex is manifested, which is necessary for future breastfeeding. There is an active development of facial muscles and jaws.
- 37-40 weeks. By this time, the baby already weighs up to 3-4 kilograms and is up to 53 centimeters tall. It can move in the womb, turn its head, stretch its legs, blink, swallow, suck, and exhibit other motor activities.
The duration of gestation may differ in primiparous and multiparous women, and also depend on the number of children. Childbirth can occur before the due date - before the 37th week, and about 15 million such children are born annually.
Pregnancy facts
History knows many interesting facts related to the bearing and birth of children. Here are some of them:
- The largest baby was born in Italy. His weight at the time of birth was 10.2 kilograms, and his height was 76 centimeters.
- Just 100 years ago, babies weren't born as big as they are now. Their average weight was only 2.7 kilograms.
- The maximum number of births occurs on Tuesdays, and the minimum on Saturdays and Sundays.
- The longest pregnancy lasted over a year - 375 days. It is noteworthy that the child was born with a normal weight, and without deviations in development.
- Koreans are on average 1 year older than their peers from other countries. This is because in Korea, age is counted not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of pregnancy.
Statistics show that less than 25% of women succeed in getting pregnant the first time. The remaining 75% have to make attempts within 2-24 months. A woman can find out about her “interesting position” no earlier than the menstrual cycle is delayed, and there is a reason to take a test.